Ένα μονόκυκλο τη δεκαετία του 1920….

Ένα μονόκυκλο τη δεκαετία του 1920.

Ένα μονόκυκλο τη δεκαετία του 1920.... 1

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  1. It would work better nowadays. You could have a full front and rear view flat panel and electric motor and balancing

  2. We had one of these as a young one. Moved into our current home which is approximately 200 years old. In it now over 40 years. One of these bicycles came with it. Was so cool.

  3. That’d fit right in on the Boulder Creek Multi Use Path that I walk daily in Colo.! Some amazing contraptions there, particularly on the weekend. Local university engineering talent adds quite a bit in this regard.