Ο επιζών του Τιτανικού δίνει ένα αυτόγραφο. 1912….

Ο επιζών του Τιτανικού δίνει ένα αυτόγραφο. 1912.... 1

Σου αρέσει; Μοιράσου το με τους φίλους σου!

38 Σχόλια

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  1. People need to stop that everything from the movie is “real” they’ve picked some things, but over dramatized it.

  2. I don’t think I’d bother such a gentleman, or lady for their autograph. I somehow feel that’s not a night they chose to be famous for , or remember.

  3. “I, Schlonzinhymer McDickle, do solemnly swear I shoved no women nor children out the way in attaining and securing a seat on a lifeboat. No, really.”

  4. The boy has a white flag. Maybe a Titanic remembrance day or the day they returned to Southampton to face an enquiry.

  5. How do you know that man is one of the survivors? This photograph could really just be everything else but that.

  6. Maybe don’t automatically assume this is the guy you saw in the movie getting in the women and children’s boat ya donuts..🤦‍♂️

  7. Unfortunately, the more handsome Jack Dawson did not survive because Rose was too selfish to share with him that piece of wood !