Ο Κάιζερ Φραντς Τζόζεφ Α’ απεικόνισε ως κυνηγός

Ο Κάιζερ Φραντς Τζόζεφ Α’ απεικόνισε ως κυνηγός, με ένα βουνίσιο ραβδί κάτω από ένα πολυέλαιο, παλάτι Schönbrunn, 1910

Ο Κάιζερ Φραντς Τζόζεφ Α' απεικόνισε ως κυνηγός 1

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33 Σχόλια

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  1. Last the last monarch of Europe . There are others still on there thrones .
    But he was a Habsburg .
    An when you look at the line of ancestors .
    He was the last monarch.
    With his death all was a bloody remains on the battlefield of you Europe …

  2. Well, don’t want to be fussy, but he doesn’t stand “under” the chandelier, as it hangs at least 3-4m away from him. Just saying…

  3. Most commonly known as the Emperor Franz Joseph in Southern Europe, hated by many, particularly in Northern Italy ( which was part of the empire) where he suppressed with an iron fist the rebellion of Italian patriots.

  4. I believe that palace has 1000 rooms or some gargantuan number. When I toured it I was apalled by how room after room had pretty bad gold gilding applied. I also wondered about how many peasants had to bleed for this great palace to be built honoring who knows whom

  5. I’m curious…. is he showing respect and or gun safety by covering the barrel with his hand ( to the photographer)? … possibly more than one in the room at the time.