Η Angelina Jolie με την κόρη της…

Η Angelina Jolie με την κόρη της ❤️

Η Angelina Jolie με την κόρη της... 1

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45 Σχόλια

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  1. You can definitely see the resemblance between Angelina Jolee and her daughter. I see Brad in their daughter as well. Daughter is beautiful either way.

  2. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS…what a lucky young lady. I think Brad is the Best Lookin Man in Hollywood and Angelina ain’t hard to look at either. She has stunning features👌 I remember when this girl was little, she looked like she was gonna become a Tom Boy when she grew up or even become ” TOM ” 🤷

  3. The eyes and lips are from her mom, the shape of her face and eyebrows are from her dad. The most perfect mix of the 2! ❤️ Unreal!

  4. She looks exactly like her grandfather, Angelina Jolie’s father if anyone know who he is, she is a spitting image of grandpa

  5. Why change hair and Eyes colours and shape?
    In this pic Angelina looks like Denise Richards🤣
    Even if Angelina and Shiloh have different colours they looks like.. they are very similar…like mothers and dauther🙆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  6. Two very Beautiful ladies! The daughter is an amazing mixture of both parents! Absolutely gorgeous! ❤