Παλιά (2021). M. Night Shyamalan…

Παλιά (2021). M. Night Shyamalan
Φωτογραφία: Μάικ Γιουλάκης
Φωτογραφία από: Phobymo

Παλιά (2021). M. Night Shyamalan... 1

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19 Σχόλια

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  1. This is the face M. Night Shyamalan makes when he’s thinking of taking a shit.
    This is the face the rest of us make when we think of M. Night Shyamalan’s movies, and also taking a shit.

  2. Terrible film, but the photography had some interesting approaches to the surreality of it all. And YES to shooting film—for that, Night gets 7% of my respect and Mike gets 93%