Εκδίκηση (1990). Ο Τόνι Σκοτ…

Εκδίκηση (1990). Τόνι Σκοτ
Φωτογραφία: Jeffrey L. Kimball
Φωτογραφία: John R. Hamilton

Εκδίκηση (1990). Ο Τόνι Σκοτ... 1

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  1. I was standing by the camera one day when I heard Jeff proclaim that with the right Grip Dept, he could light table-top with a 12K.

  2. can’t see a harness on?.. maybe Tony is just eyeballing a lens? (are they flying yet?)…… also, why is he using eye piece?.. I’ve used Tyler (as director) but framed off the tap.. is it because he’s keeping sharps as well?… where would focus ring / microforce thing go?..inside that stabilzer tube thing?

  3. Posing shot , pilot wouldn’t go up without him in a harness and your feet would be on the skids to stabilize your body and give you a base to lean into the gyros, and no one, no one would go up in shorts, would literally freeze your balls off, it gets cold up there. Loved the Tyler mounts. Tony is one of my hero’s and Everyone! does a posing shot when given the opportunity.