The Terminator (1984). Τζέιμς Κάμερον…

The Terminator (1984). Τζέιμς Κάμερον
Φωτογραφία: Άνταμ Γκρίνμπεργκ
Terminator Stop Motion: Pete Kleinow

The Terminator (1984). Τζέιμς Κάμερον... 1

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42 Σχόλια

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  1. How did they keep the fire in the background consistent? Was it rear projection and they moved the background plate forward frame by frame as they adjusted the model … ?does anyone know? It’s doing my head in …

  2. Wonder if the burning truck was a series of dias still shots in 24 per seconds to match the robot animation?

  3. I’m assuming they used rear projection and photographed a still frame of background footage with each frame of the endoskeleton walking. Genius.