The Untouchables (1987). Ο Μπράιαν Ντε Πάλμα…

The Untouchables (1987). Μπράιαν Ντε Πάλμα
Φωτογραφία: Stephen H. Burum
Φωτογραφία: Zade Rosenthal ·

The Untouchables (1987). Ο Μπράιαν Ντε Πάλμα... 1

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  1. Images like this from my friend Zade Rosenthal is why I became a Motion Picture Still Photographer. Brilliant image!!! I miss seeing those big mags 🎥 on the cameras!!!

  2. My carriage LOL. I was the assistant propmaster on this (me sitting in chair under the “U” in the united states army sign). Funny how much water under the bridge since this was made.


    We Know it, we use it every day,it has become part of our life ,we think we invented it,we know it’s myth,we know it’s legend, what we don’t know is THE REAL STORY.

    Hello Friend, another great story about tech,and now a SCI-FI (Science Fiction film) from Richie Arts Films. Follow this great story about the origin of technology and it’s relation with Mankind. Now on RICHIE ARTS FILMS.

    Remember to share.