The Insider (1999). Μάικλ Μαν…

The Insider (1999). Μάικλ Μαν
Φωτογραφία: Dante Spinotti
Φωτογραφία: Frank Connor

The Insider (1999). Μάικλ Μαν... 1

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  1. In my first work there is a scene, which intrigued the PRODUCERS in my country a lot.
    They said it would be very expensive to carry the prisoners through a place full of black Mambas snakes… … Even this special effect that would enrich my work, and as they could not think better of putting the project back in the drawer.

  2. Is that when he finds the bullet in his mailbox? They filmed it on a pier? Unless it’s a scene from the film I’ve forgotten?

  3. If my memory isn’t failing, I think there were some other shots around that pier in the film. So I guess Mann said “fuck it, bring me a mailbox and we’ll take care of that shot here, rather than in front of the Wigand house” lol.

  4. A lot of the time the camera was not tied down to a head, but sitting on a sandbag, to get a hybrid hand-held look. One time the camera started to fall forward, and Al caught it, lol.