Ένα έξυπνο hack του μπάνιου που δεν γνωρίζατε:


Ένα έξυπνο hack του μπάνιου που δεν γνωρίζατε:


Σου αρέσει; Μοιράσου το με τους φίλους σου!

38 Σχόλια

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  1. Don’t contaminate that water. In the event of a major crisis your tank water is drinkable. Don’t do stupid stuff.

  2. As if… you do not just screw the push button back on. It’s a lot more complicated than that. I wouldn’t even try it cos the last toilet lid I fixed took 20 minutes to figure out and fix.

  3. Are you serious? People are NOT into doing more damage to our planet. Post environmentally positive content please. Brutal

  4. Why would you put something in the toilet that is not meant for the toilet? Sad part is, someone is going to see this and actually do it

  5. It seems like the softener isn’t meant to go in the toilet cistern for a reason like it’s too thick and may affect the flushing mechanism.

  6. I recently replaced the inner workings of my toilet and the instructions stated that you shouldn’t use in-tank cleaning products because they deteriorate the parts. Also, it’s FABRIC SOFTENER, not a cleaning product.

  7. Great hack! Finally hack for permanent obstruction “how to soften your stool”. But i am not sure It can help suffering people ?