Ο Γκορμπατσόφ επισκέπτεται τον Ρίγκαν

Ο Μιχαήλ Γκορμπατσόφ, ο οποίος τερμάτισε τον Ψυχρό Πόλεμο, πεθαίνει σε ηλικία 91 ετών. Φωτογραφία: Ο Γκορμπατσόφ επισκέπτεται τον Ρίγκαν, και οι δύο φορώντας γουέστερν, στο Rancho del Cielo το 1992.

Ο Γκορμπατσόφ επισκέπτεται τον Ρίγκαν 1

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47 Σχόλια

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  1. The first president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev. He will always be remembered as a hero who destroyed the communist system, despite the fact that he lost the post of president. He helped end the Cold war and fundamentally change global security, ushering in an era of mutually beneficial cooperation. In 1989, thanks to Gorbachev’s actions, the Berlin Wall fell. Although Britain and France objected.
    Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev worked with President Reagan to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the two countries, to the relief of people around the world praying for an end to the nuclear arms race.
    However, when signing the agreements, he was very wrong about the US promises of non-expansion of NATO. The result of this is the current conflict in Ukraine. A lie in politics turned into a tragedy for many people.

  2. He try to nıce thınk but West is Problem move on, move on, move on to buıld up around the Russia Chemical laboratorium,fúze ramp, army base to Support cihaties de stabiliztıon in Russia around Russia muslim population,in Pakistan 1977 Amerika get rıd of Very nıce Person Zulfikar ali Butto brıng in power faşist army genaral Ziya ül Hak Tell hım buıld up madrasa about 30.000 thousand of them, Mess up the Peoples braın to control them religius believe and fake dollars. Put in actıon in Afghanistan, Myanmar, ırak, Libya, Yemen, Etiopia, Sudan, syrıa…. To get those country rezerve under the ground, on the ground. Story is that, l never Soo nıce actıvatıon from west.

  3. They seem more of statemanslike figures than our current ”world leaders”. Maybe it is the generation gap or maybe it is that our world id in a decay process.

  4. Gorbachev was a f… crazy and drunk leader but enough realistic to open his country to the world and try to do best as he can. Its sad that he didnt make it.

  5. He was their “Jimmy Carter”. Humble and tired of the old ways and guard. He gave the Russians permission to be free

  6. Those who say that Gorbachev was good – when he ordered tanks against peaceful people on 1991.01.13 in Lithuania, and 13 people were dead – that is not a good leader.

  7. A controversial man whose role in world history cannot be denied, in the same way that his flaws cannot be ignored.

    “Yesterday’s hero can become tomorrow’s villain and vice versa.”

  8. What a bombastic caption again! Gorbachev single-handedly ended the cold war. Do you have an idea how pejorative this is to so many others who also did their part? Didn’t you claim just a few weeks ago it was this Reagan guy who brought it to an end? So make up your mind, which one?

  9. The Jew Gorbachev was a tool of the globalists whose task was to liquidate the Soviet Union. Gorbachev was educated and instructed in England. The leaders of all revolutions and coups are financed and instructed from England. Trotsky and Lenin are examples. Gorbachev was promised a place in world government for his services, but it turned out differently, as with all the others. Putin will end up in the same scenario.

  10. Who said the cold war has ended, it has just shifted some countries from soviet block to western /Nato. Look whats happening in ukraine.

  11. Dressed up as Hollywood cowboys. One of these men believes the big hat actually confers a might of some sort – the other knows it’s just playing dress-ups for fun and is polite enough to join in.

    One of them was a b-grade movie actor with early onset dementia – the other won a Nobel prize.

  12. May I say the Soviet Union has now “truly collapsed”. 😂 On a more serious note, I’m beginning to miss the 1980’s…… the world was a safer place back in the day even though the specter of Nuclear War always loomed across the “horizon”.

  13. These men made it possible that Germany is not devided in East and West anymore. Rip Mr. Gorbachow and Mr Reagan. Thank you for making 40 year of peace. In Europe possible.

  14. It was Reagan who ended it with a bold stance and a good bluff. Gorbachev just realized it was the end due in part to Chernobyl bankrupting the Soviet Union.