Jane Fonda…

Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda... 1

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  1. While on the subject of people who should still be in prison. If you had done what she did, your roommate would be named Bubba.

  2. People are mad be because she had the guts to speak out against a war that nobody wanted except f<^&ed up politicians.these same politicians spoke out against RED China but where did WASHINGTON go for a loan to get out of debt...CHINA.?

  3. I wonder if they still have Hanoi Jane urinal stickers for sale? Would go nicely with my Hillary toilet paper.

  4. Hanoi Jane, traitor!!!!!!! Nuff said,,, Jimmie McCoy Steven Borden Chris Gunder John Mcnally Ken Evans Mutha Hubbard Katrina Davis ww

  5. Not fonda Hanoi Jane! She even named her son after a terrorist who planted a bomb under a bridge to kill US Secretary of State.

  6. I will never forget the Hell on earth that she put our own men through as prisoners of war in Vietnam. I was only a small boy at the time but i will never forget what she did.