Ο Ντενί Βιλνέβ…

Ντενί Βιλνέβ 👣

Ο Ντενί Βιλνέβ... 1

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28 Σχόλια

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  1. what about Greig Fraser, Roger Deakins, Bradford Young. Denis is great, but without these cinematograpers those takes wouldn’t exist

  2. The dude definitely has a distinct visual style. He borrows a lot from previous masters, too. I love the look of all his films.

  3. Hard to believe they turned the world of BR over to such a minimalist…with inevitably disastrous results.

  4. Incredible shots. I think it would be interesting if we know the cinematographers of these films. Roger Deakins fan here

  5. Man… it is just a character in the center of a wide shot, they spent millions to do that is really not that impressive 🤔😂

  6. “The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.”

    Still waiting for a movie to do those books justice.

  7. Man Villeneuve needs to invest in a camera with a better zoom if that’s all the closer he can get….