Greek Dragon VS Turkish Tiger


Directed and Edited by Panos Katsimperis
Written by Rubus
Visual Effects: Manos Tsimpoukidis, Panos Katsimperis
Make Up Artist: Elli Kriara
Stylist: Stella Louiza
Greek Dragon – Rubus
Turkish Tiger – Yiannis “Xasapis” Kampanis
Waiter – Sexpyr
ADR: 101 Sound Studios
Backstage: Jim Nikolaidis, Aggelos Slatinopoulos
Special Thanks: Comedy Lab, Yula Zoiopoulou, Yiannis Vasalakis, Ornerakis Applied Arts, Vestiario Syroyianni( Lahana 47-49, N.Kypseli)

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37 Σχόλια

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  1. Listen,im greek,i love the Turks thye are great,i just fucking loathe nationalistic mother fuckers they make my blood boil,same goes for greeks,WE HAVE ALMOST THE SAME GENES PEOPLE

  2. Hahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahaaaaaahhhhhhaaaahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha

  3. The Greeks invaded Anatolia in 1920. 17 months in total. Turks do not like Greeks for this reason. Greeks don't like Turks. Greece is an Ottoman land for 370 years. From 1458 to 1828. This tail pain is normal hahahaha

  4. lol.. The Greeks and Turks are not at war! are a people …
    The commanders are a lie, the US is a game! Commander a money!
    The US does not want ottoman!
    Who's the US? a illuminati masson and jew!