55 Μέρες στο Πεκίνο (1963)…

55 Μέρες στο Πεκίνο (1963)

55 Μέρες στο Πεκίνο (1963)... 1

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  1. Just a glimpse into a significant historical event of the early twentieth century. LOVED his hero movies. Khartoum comes to mind.

  2. Great film…loved that comment from the German ambassador…about David Nivens character that God must have been an English man

  3. I watched this film in a theater when it first opened. An impressive epic only partially historically accurate in its historical depictions–typical of an old school Hollywood epic. It’s still a treat to watch, despite it’s rather blatant semi-celebration of colonialism in China by the Major World Powers, including the U.S. Watched in the proper context, however, it’s entertaining and very well produced. Note the major Chinese roles are performed by white actors in typical Hollywood “yellow face,” pretty common practice in that long bygone era. This film would never be possible today.

  4. Great action film. From an era of superb movies such as el cid and khartoom. Dont see these anymore. Great pity

  5. Fantastic movie, indeed. And great actors play, Niven, Heston, Ava Gardner… Even those Chinese girl 🙂

  6. Enjoy El Cid and Fall of Roman Empire better, all Samuel Bronston productions, but still this particular flick had some good moments

  7. Great movie. It came out a year before I was born, and ironically, I saw it for the first time by renting the video in around 1993-94 I recall, buying the video sometime later. Network TV, cable, or the local station late movie hadn’t aired it to my knowledge beforehand.